2013 Pinewood Derby – One week away

The 2013 Pack 183 Pinewood Derby is ONE WEEK away.  Hopefully everyone is finishing those cars and getting ready for a great morning of racing.
An eVite invitation has been sent out to everyone.  Please RSVP there so we know how many people are coming and how much pizza to purchase.  Below is the flow of the race day.  We will be setting up the hall for the races starting at about 8:15 to 8:30am on Sunday.  Anyone who can come out and help is welcome and all help is appreciated.  The more help we have setting up and getting ready the smoother things will run.
The address for the event is:
Ft. Lauderdale Firefighters Benevolent Hall
309 SW 26 Street
Ft. Lauderdale, FL   33315
Schedule for race day
8:15am – Arrive and set up area for racing
9:00am – Weigh ins begin
9:55am – Weigh ins end (No cars will be allowed to register and compete after weigh ins have ended)
10:00am – Races begin
~11:15 – 11:30am – Pizza & awards and cleanup after awards
There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards for each scout rank and our open/sibling/parent division.  There will also be awards for “Scout favorite” as voted on by the scouts and siblings of Pack 183.  We also have our “Most Fuel Efficient” award returning for the third year.
EVERY scout who enters a car will receive an award for doing their best.  Every scout will go home a winner on Pinewood Derby day!!!!