2013 Pack 183 Pinewood Derby – Big Thank You

The 2013 Pack 183 Pinewood Derby is complete.  Everyone had a good time and the event ran very smoothly.  A very big thank you goes out to the parents on the Pinewood Derby committee who made sure everything ran well and everyone was entertained.  Thank you to Jody HessAmy HessJon Greenberg& Michael Romaniw for their time and commitment to making the 2013 Pinewood Derby a success.

A huge Pack 183 Thank You goes out to Laura Adams for getting the venue for the derby and all the help she provided to ensure a flawless derby.

Congratulations to all of the winners in each division.  Our fastest time down the track was just over 2.6 seconds.  Our “Most Fuel Efficient” winner had a time of 3.996 seconds.  I’ve never seen a car break 4 seconds down the track and we’ll have to wait another year to see a more fuel efficient car break the 4 second barrier.

Here are the results for those interested.

Group Statistics

Standings ordered by Den


pack183's Pinewood Derby 2013 album on Photobucket