Camp Cards!!



Dear Pack 183 Families,

Our Camp Card Fundraiser is well underway!

Please note the following:

  1. If you have not yet checked out your 25 cards from your Den Leader, please make arrangements to do so at your earliest convenience!  Each Scout is being asked to sell 25 cards to help fund the Pack.  50% of the proceeds on the first 25 cards will go to South Florida Council, while, Pack 183 will receive the remaining 50%.
  2. DUE AT MARCH 6TH PACK MEETING – Please submit your money to settle up for your initial 25 cards that you have sold.  If you are unable to attend the Pack Meeting, please find a way to get your camp card money to your Den Leader before March 6th.
  3. IF you choose to sell more than the initial 25 cards, I will need for you to tell me the quantity of cards you would like by March 7th, and you must pay up front for them.  There will be no refund for unsold cards.  Remember:  For all camp cards sold after your initial 25, you will receive 50% into your Scout Account, while South Florida Council will receive the remaining 50%.
  4. If you should have any questions, please contact your Den Leader or Jennifer Phillips.

Thank you all for supporting our favorite Scouts!

Jennifer Phillips

Committee Fundraiser Chair
